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Old 10-19-2007, 07:25 PM
jumbojacks jumbojacks is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 853

Since I'm genuinely interested on the topic of self-assessment, I'm curious - what makes you think you're a top programmer?

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Obviously, my opinion could very well be higher of myself than it actually is. Sorry, I did not read the article you posted -- but will make sure I do that tomorrow (i'm just on my way out of town).

My opinion is backed up by performance reviews -- I have always received the top rating in my reviews. I also have very few defects in my code compared to other programmers. All the testers are thrilled when they are assigned to one of my projects, because they know they are going to get to test some well-written code, that I also provide good documentation to them on. Maybe I'm not as good as I think I am, but I doubt the feedback I receive would be as good as it is with out being atleast above average.

That's all I have time for right now folks, hope you all have a good weekend.

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That doesn't really say much as to whether you're a good programmer. You could be just careful and clean in your presentation. While those skills are very important to have, it's not necessarily the defining feature of a great programmer.

Top programmers tend to think on a completely different level about programming than mediocre ones. They also tend to be extremely, extremely smart.

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This is SO VERY true. They're the ones who, when given a spec, aren't implementing it in the most obvious, naive design. Their code might usually look very obscure because they usually can break down these problems to its most fundamental design and optimize the hell out those systems. Some of the geniuses in my department will submit code that I can't read/understand because I'm too dumb.
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