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Old 10-19-2007, 07:17 PM
bronx bomber bronx bomber is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 295
Default Re: We win (AP Scandal v. 27)

I have a question, where is the PPA in all this? Dont misunderstand me, the work that all involved have contributed has been exceptional. But whenever news organizations are interviewing people-they are individuals and for better or worse the PPA is really all we have. I understand they do not want to squander their resources in an investigation-but the bully pulpit is an effective tool. CP and Bluff also might devote more resources to investigating this if the only organization for card players at least came out with a statement.
Greg Raymer, I gotta ask, as a member of the PPA and a poster on 2+2, where are you? The pulpit is yours sir, start yelling.