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Old 10-19-2007, 04:53 PM
facialabuse facialabuse is offline
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Default Re: We win (AP Scandal v. 27)

Also, in order to get mainstream media cable news channels to cover this in a way that is more critical of AP is impossible without it immediately launching into an attack against all online poker. Not saying whether this is a cumulative positive or negative, but I think it is all or nothing, realistically, pr-wise for online gaming as a whole.

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Understand me very clearly when I say that this post is 100% correct and we are trying to walk a very fine line. We are not done with AP by a long shot, but we have to proceed in a way that exposes the one rotten apple in the basket and does not throw away the entire thing.

As I said, expect more dramabombs. However, do not expect the media to be able to savage AP without also savaging online poker *until* AP is fully exposed as a rogue operator. That would be unrealistic, since the only way they can do a balanced story is by letting AP respond, however stupidly. In the meantime, we are doing our best to get there without upsetting the apple cart.

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plz disregard my prior post asking you to drop addt'l knowledge, its great to see you guys have thought this through this well...prob good I didn't send the story to fox news, then, lol

The idea of KGC revoking the license is a great step towards this (or maybe it's part of the end result). It would lend more credibility to online gaming and regulatory practices and simultaneously punish AP without dissolving them outright.