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Old 10-19-2007, 04:53 PM
coltranedog coltranedog is offline
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Default Re: We win (AP Scandal v. 27)

Who would be dumb enough to believe this explanation?

Let me see if I understand this correctly, a computer geek had been engaging in dialog with the company, claiming that he could cheat the system. Of course management never believed him so he decided to prove them wrong.

Now instead of just showing them one example of the super user account - saying here look at this super user account I can see the hole cards, someone can cheat us. Instead he decided to undertake a 3-4 month cheating program.

This involved cheating all the high stakes players out close to $1 million dollars. Cheating the big tourney, cheating the absolute dream package, etc etc.

All this to prove a point?

This is so beyond the realm of believability I can't even fathom anyone dumb enough to believe it.

I can't wait to hear more from the geniuses at AP.