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Old 10-19-2007, 03:05 PM
DeuceKicker DeuceKicker is offline
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Default Re: Survivor China OFFICIAL THREAD

For the person who asked for a run-down of what happened, you can watch full episodes on If not:

Erik and Jaime confessed to having crushes on each other. Erik said he's a virgin. Jaime said there's an immunity idol on the island. [Thus begins the downfall of yet another naive schmuck at the hands of a conniving woman.]

James said that Denise--the lunch lady--is a hard worker, which he finds attractive. He said that if she were a few years younger, or if he were older, "she'd be in trouble!" [One of the all-time best lines in Survivor history.]

The tribes were given notes saying they could kidnap two members of the other tribe to come join them.

The yellow tribe chose the obvious: James and Aaron.

The red tribe chose Frosti and Sherea. They picked Sherea because "she's tall."

When James and Aaron join the yellows, Aaron is being coy about the red team, so Peih-Gee and Jaime don't trust him.

When Frosti and Sherea join the reds, JRB gets up early to cook and the tribe immediately begins to badmouth him. [How stupid.] Frosti is soaking it all up, trying to figure out the alliances.

Sherea vows to use the switch as an opportunity to turn over a new, hard-working leaf.

Then she sleeps in.

JRB cooks rice and suggests that Denise come help him string the net to catch some shrimp. Everyone jumps on him for giving out orders. So he then turns around and suggests that Sherea cook. Everyone jumps on him again. [Hard to tell who was at fault there, due to editing. JRB might be getting on everyone's nerves worse than we know, so they have short fuses with him. Or he may be stuck with a bunch of whiney bitches.]

Yellow team: Peih-Gee suggests to Jaime that they should throw the next two challenges. She thinks if they win with James and Aaron's help, then their old yellow teammates Frosti and Sherea will be voted off. Then when they merge at 10 players [her hunch] the old yellow tribe will be down to three, while the reds will have 7/10. [Not horrible reasoning, but she needs a lot of suppositions and hunches to pan out.]

At the challenge, Peih-Gee and Jaime literally throw the challenge when Jaime takes one of the puzzle pieces and tosses it off to the side. They giggle and dawdle and act like little schoolgirls, earning the ire of fat, geeky poker players the world over. James is pissed at camp afterward, and the girls continue laughing about the whole thing. Erik asks them what happened and they tell him they threw the challenge. [So much for trust between Jaime and Erik]

Peih-Gee magnaimously offers to let James stay a few more days and vote Aaron off first. James says 'F* that. If this is how you are going to play, send me home now.' [Further solidifying my man-crush on him.] Aaron doesn't have such scruples, and says he wants to stay, going so far as to say he's voting for James so neither of the girls get upset with him. [Probably sound, strategically, in case he can magically pull a miracle out of his ass in the next three days, but a bitch-move nonetheless.]

At tribal council James votes for Peih-Gee, Aaron votes for James, and Erik and the girls vote for Aaron. He's gone.
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