Thread: Prop bet thread
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Old 10-19-2007, 01:48 PM
raptor517 raptor517 is offline
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Default Re: Prop bet thread


I will bet anyone up to 100k in a game of dota 2v2 -apemom where i get to pick both you and your teammate's heroes, and still pick mine and my partner picks his. we can do best of 9 or something to make sure theres no lucky last hits or something silly. we can do this on lan so as there is no lag. also, i will take this bet for as small as 100 dollars per person, so challenge away.

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uh.. shouldn't you be laying quite a bit of odds here?

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i play poker for a living, not video games.

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its still a suckerbet for anyone taking it, since you can balance the heroes in such a way that it will be almost impossible to win except for maybe the best in the world (sorry for killing your action!!)

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fine, im willing to give odds, post here if you are interested.
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