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Old 10-19-2007, 12:04 PM
Pudge714 Pudge714 is offline
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Default Re: Should the Pats be running up the score on everybody in garbage ti

Part of the reason you find Yanks fans more obnoxious is probably because you know more about baseball. It's easier to evaluate players and so many fans have such ridiculous concepts of values. I had two Yankees fans argue with me last year that Cano > Sizemore. It's doesn't matter if he doesn't walk because he hits .340.
Peyton would have been a lot more selfish if what he was doing wasn't working, also there you're memory is probably being selective.
The Colts didn't really build there D through FA signings or anything so I don't see how all the money on Indy's offense was hurting them. If they pulled a Denver Broncos and traded Edge/Marv/Wayne for Champ Bailey or signed Adalius Thomas in the offseason you might have a better point. I could be wrong, but I don't think Corey Simon or McFarland had huge cap figures and those are the only big FA's I can think of that they added.

My point is that Bill Simmons is one of the people who started writing about the Pats running about the score. Not some beat writer in Indianapolis or Buffalo, Simmons is one the main reasons this is a story.

Why are they listing the Jets as an example of running up the score? Isn't the whole reason they are running up the score a giant FU to people who called them cheaters?

Why is Buffalo listed? There were 10 minutes left to play they weren't going to kneel out for 10 minutes.

It's nice to think that the Pats are so awesome and vengeful that they intentionally score with one minute left in every game to rub it in the face of everyone else, but that isn't the case at all.This argument is much, much better than the lame rationalizations like "Well after the AFC championship game they can never be to careful" or "Peyton did it to so it's okay" or "They still need to fine tune the offense"
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