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Old 10-19-2007, 03:24 AM
Pokeraddict Pokeraddict is offline
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Default Re: We win (AP Scandal v. 27)

Going back to Scott Tom. It would make total sense that he would have a position outside of AP that would have more ot do with the holding companies. The spam associated Pokermachine not only spewed endless AP spam but there was a good chunk of UB spam too. If his job was only associated with AP and had nothing to do with UB why would he be spamming UB too? This assumes that Pokermachine is him but I think the evidence is overwhelming that it is.

AP's statement needs to include every member of their current and former staff brought up in these investigations and where they stand today. They also need to include any account associated with them at AP or UB. Also, as mentioned in other forums, their statements need to be placed on their website in a very obvious place on their index page or in their software as part of the popup. Any statement made to the forums but not placed on their site will just add to their coverup as I am sure there are players that were cheated that have no idea this is going on.