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Old 10-19-2007, 01:57 AM
Soncy Soncy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 30
Default Re: Survivor China OFFICIAL THREAD

Oh where to start. This 'terrible twist' has certainly generated a lot of posts. I'm not happy about Grave Digger being in danger, but I AM very interested in seeing PG and Jaime pay for their actions. Seems like that's what these reality shows boil down to so often...I'm left rooting against people instead of FOR them because the ones I liked got speared. I don't think its time to panic yet on that front. I like Frosti and I like Erik so I'll hold out a little hope for a while.

PG and Jaime may actually have done JRB a big favor. It's weird. I think he's a hole, yet I can't help but feel badly for him when people rip on him for fairly benign comments and actions. However, someone should have warned him before he went on the show that rule number one in basic Survivor strategy is "Don't tell anyone to do anything." Even if it needs to be done and is in the person's best interests as well as the tribe's. Don't say it. People, especially the lazy ones, get all bent out of shape when you order them around. They are likely to rant about how they are an adult and don't need you telling them what to do. Take Sherea for instance: says, "I can cook." Then, when JRB suggests that she do so, she flies off the handle about it. And it wasn't like he was sitting around dictating orders and not doing anything himself. He started some rice and was going to go get some fish and shrimp. Perhaps he can be faulted for approaching people about getting up to do things while they are still in bed, but...{shrug}. Anyway, I'm not sure how the vote goes if his tribe goes to council, so maybe he got a repreive.

Something that really bugs me about Survivor...why in Heaven don't the strong ever band together? Don't they realize that they are each other's only protection? If they don't get together, they garauntee that they will eventually get picked off by the snakey people that are too weak or uncoordinated to win a challenge. Just once, I would like to see the strong competitors band together and be bold enough to go every man for himself against the other strong competitors. Instead it is common to see #2 strategizing with others that #1 needs to go home, when its clear that once #1 is gone, #2 becomes the primary target. {sigh}

To the person who was pipe dreaming about James negotiating with his tribe and playing both sides. I'd be very surprised if that happened. There was a reason they kept him and sent Aaron home. Grave Digger wouldn't be caught dead voting for Aaron so he didn't make any of his tribe members upset. Huge physical threats with poor diplomacy skills just do not make it much past the merge in Survivor.

{sigh} I just hate it when people throw challenges. I always want to see that punished. More so this time because they were so smug about it.
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