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Old 10-19-2007, 01:02 AM
Soncy Soncy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 30
Default Re: Kid Nation better be awesome.

Kid Nation South Park sounds pretty funny. I'm afraid South Park scarred me for life with one of their Christmas specials a while back. I just can't look at a picture of cute little woodland creatures the same anymore.

I felt a little badly for Mike because he got swept in the voting. Hard on a guy. I'd be looking at the upside of not being on the council though and taking a crack at the gold star.

I wanted to like that Olivia chick, but she was quite a snot this episode. Anjay may not be the best leader ever, but she goes out of her way to yank his chain when he is trying to be amicable.

Zach, I do love. How about him treatening not to pay people that don't do their jobs? Bless his heart.

I can't believe they picked the toothbrushes. My husband, says I can't empathize properly because I never had braces. Mmmm meat.
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