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Old 10-18-2007, 11:50 PM
Michaelson Michaelson is offline
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Default Re: We win (AP Scandal v. 27)

If I may connect a few dots...

According to the wayback machine (, the statement on AP's site that they are owned by a Kahnawake sole proprietorship did not appear on the site until after June, 2007.

Scott Tom stopped shilling for AP on 2p2 around June, 2007.

The questionable playing started soon after June, 2007.

I am guessing that a statement will be released that the ex-owner compromised a number of accounts and Absolute had no idea the hole existed, hence the denials.

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Wait, maybe I'm stupid, but this is a plausible explanation, isn't it?

AP have certainly handled this terribly, and it appears they were at very least involved in covering up actions of past employees after the fact, but do we know they were complicit in the cheating activities themselves? There's a pretty big difference if they were or weren't, in my opinion.

By the way, what is the difficulty when it comes to determining Scott Tom's current involvement with the company? I ask because when I'm explaining this to people, and I have to say that Scott "either was the joint-CEO or still is, I'm not sure." It sounds absurd that such information is unknown. Also, as I said above, in terms of the judgment I'll make on Absolute Poker (which will no doubt be strongly negative one way or the other), it makes a difference whether it was a fraud perpetrated by people who had left the company, or whether it was a genuine in-house job undertaken by presently employed (at the time of the scam) Absolute Poker executives. I don't know if this has been established yet.

Anyway, just my $0.02 after trying desparately to catch up with all of this over the last day or two. I wasn't able to read most of the most recent thread, however, so I hope these questions aren't redundant.

Oh, and hats off to the 2+2 investigators! Seriously impressive stuff and I hope it ends with some real justice being dished out, rather than a meek punblic statement + refunds to cheated players (not that that's the worst result either).