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Old 10-18-2007, 04:38 PM
john kane john kane is offline
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Default Re: Do you bother getting to know new people?

thanks for the replies so far.

im working for a big 4 firm, so knowing the right people is an advantage. nevertheless i feel if im friendly and work hard when under supervision from a manager then ill be okay. plus i can always leave after 3 years with my ACA if i don't want to stay.

jamougha, i think they shouldnt call it a disorder if it could be a positive.

jkratzer, this is my view i think, so long as im not a dick then i don't have to be as social as i can given i find it an unwanted effort. just there has been an emphasis a few times in the first week that they try to have a good social atmosphere with drinking. having spent 5 years very regularly drinking a lot, it's something i am keen to cut back on.

im trying hard not to quit the job, just reading the msnl [censored] thread it's hard knowing im on $20/hr and others out there are making $500/hr. i don't want to look back after 3 years and think '[censored] i could of made $1.5m-$2m by grinding really hard' and be pretty sorted, whereas instead ill be nowhere near that and had a likely worse time.

henry, this is my first job, it's a huge firm sizewise and we had numourous hundreds of graduates joining the london firm, of which you are then grouped into 20-30 depending on sector and job role.
i'd didnt have this issue at university, becuase i wanted to get to know people i could have a good time with, now i don't feel this, just feels odd given so many around me clearly are trying pretty hard to get to know everyone - just seems fake to me.

thanks for replies so far, any more much appreciated.
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