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Old 10-18-2007, 03:33 PM
jakrpanda jakrpanda is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 53
Default BEAT: stuck two buy-ins + accident in the parking lot

BEAT: Last Friday I go to the hard rock Tampa and within an hour I'm down two buy ins. Not from runner runner OMG j00 hit j00r cardz! No no, this was from straight donkey moves on my part. No big deal, I'll just go home and sit in the corner for punishment. So I decided to leave and call it an early night.

So on the way out I have to pass through the "intersection from hell", people walking across, people driving wherever they feel without any guidance, etc. This guy in a Lexus SUV is riding beside me and in his attempt to get around some pedestrians he runs right into the side of my Jeep. So I pull over right there and get out and what does he say? He says "why did you hit me?". Why did I hit you? Because I hate liars thats why. Translation: I didn't [censored] hit you!

So we proceed to go back and forth about who hit who and his wife chimes in and says "Im gonna take a picture of the tire tracks"... we were doing about 10MPH! How is there going to be tire tracks?? So I go off on a rant about how everyone thinks they are a forensic investigator these days, too much CSI. And I wait for the cops.

Meanwhile people are pulling out and saying all kinds of _hilarious_ things like "don't tase my bro" etc. Laugh riot sure sure. Don't mind me as I hide my head in the sand wishing this would end.

So the cop gets there and goes to look at my truck and sees not only the dents from this accident, but my missing window *ahem, long story*, and the dents from 2 other mishaps and of course I'm standing there like "yeah, but THIS time I didn't do it! It wasn't me, grassy knoll, second gunman!"

BRAG: The cop says he won't make a decision on who was at fault given the evidence. He also then goes on to tell me that although I didn't have proof of insurance (uhm, where did I put that?_) he was not going to fine me and have a nice day. Meanwhile the damage on the Lexus was such that it had to get towed, boo hoo.

I'd say this was a bad beat. Now the side of my truck looks like something out of road warrior. And I know as a poker player that "luck" is all numbers, but I'll be damned if I return to that place again. Because the numbers just aren't working.
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