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Old 10-18-2007, 02:55 PM
adanthar adanthar is offline
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Default Re: Updated Cliff Notes On Absolute Poker Scandal (18th October)


either we have proof or it's getting shut down, because I'm not about to drag half of the Absolute playerbase into this in a thread with mass media exposure where being proven wrong can potentially be a big problem. facts or nothing.

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What does this statement mean? By proof can posters say 'Jim Kuhn played two tournies on AP. He won a $1 touney for $257 and he won a $500 tourney for $50,000. What do you guys think?' Personally, I think any player on AP that won a major tourney or had large cash game wins should be under review. Most would not be implicated but that is why there is a review process. JMHO

Thank you,

Jim Kuhn

[/ QUOTE ]

This type of stuff can all go into the speculation threads.

Keep in mind that I'm being swamped from all sides right now.