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Old 10-18-2007, 01:44 PM
john kane john kane is offline
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Default Do you bother getting to know new people?

I started work on monday. the people are nice enough. but i really cant be bothered to do the following:

when in a group (say 5-6 people) i just cant be bothered to say much becuase
a) i find the general chat people dull even though some people smile and laugh (i find it pretty fake tbh) at what others say.
b) i dont really want to make any effort whatsoever.

i guess i just dont care what these people think of me, i mean if im stuck with 1-2 of them then ill make some normal conversation, but when it's a big group i just find people are all thinking and waiting to say something to be noticed rather than really listening to what anyone has to say (which is why i bother with 1-2 people becuase in general it's far better).

now for me i really enjoy it down the pub when there is 5-6 of you or so and your all having a good time, but i find i just can't be bothered now to get to know these people.

part of me thinks 'well, i should try and make the best out of work and i should enjoy work more if i can have a laugh with work colleagues' but the other part thinks 'i really cant be bothered to get to know these people becuase it'll mean i end out spending a lot of time getting shitfaced after work etc' and given the little time i have, i want to spend that with friends, family or relaxing by myself, not having to get to know a whole new bunch of people.

for example lunch today:

we have an hour sitting around eating. i'd much rather go off to a cafe by myself and a newspaper but this week i have to eat with others. now the chat is pretty unstimulating, and im thinking this really is a waste of time. then i thought to myself '[censored] this, i really dont care if people think im some quiet loner guy, becuase i really dont want to make the effort' and then i went from thinking seriously of quitting my job to thinking 'meh, not so bad now'.

any thoughts on any on this or similar experiences appreciated.
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