Thread: PS3 or Wii
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Old 10-18-2007, 01:28 PM
AceLuby AceLuby is offline
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Default Re: PS3 or Wii

This should be in the video games forum as there is lots of discussion on all 3.

Between the PS3 & Wii I would go w/ the PS3 due to HD graphics, blue-ray, and the games I play (Oblivion, Resistance, Ninja Gaiden, plus GTA, FF, MGS to come). Wii is fun if you're playing a lot w/ other people, but if it's just for yourself I think it will lose its marvel quickly unless you're into that sort of thing.

Since the OP doesn't like shooters, racers, or sports games I wouldn't recommend the 360. It does have Oblivion & GH and soon to be released Mass Effect and the graphics are great, but the game selection is fairly limited if you aren't into the aforementioned games. Also


Lots of good news for the PS3 (ignore the first link, that was terrible on my part...), so if any of this looks like games you'd be into I'd recommend the PS3.
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