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Old 10-18-2007, 12:43 PM
Jim Kuhn Jim Kuhn is offline
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Default Re: Updated Cliff Notes On Absolute Poker Scandal (18th October)

Great work everyone. Have people been looking at their PokerTracker databases for other cheaters? I think by pulling up the summary tab and sorting on vp$ip (click on those letters) you can sort by preflp calling %. If someone has a very high preflop calling %, are big winners and have played many hands they could be a suspect. Another column to review is the w$sd. You would have an unusually high winning rate at showdown if you can see all of the hands.

These idiots could have utilized this cheating tool forever if they were smart about it. They could play $5/$10 no limit 'normally' and utilize 'the extra information' one time per day on a $1,000 pot. Do this on four or five accounts and you make several thousand dollars per day. Throw in some big tourney wins and cover play and it would be easy to make a couple of extra million dollars per year. These idiots calling 90% preflop and calling all in bluffs with nothing totally amaze me. Can any person really be that stupid?

How are other major poker sites preventing this from happening on their sites? It would be nice to see statements from PokerStars, Bodog, Full Tilt, etc. Their lack of statements or reassurances also personally disturb me. Crickets?

Thank you,

Jim Kuhn