Thread: PS3 or Wii
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Old 10-18-2007, 12:36 PM
Five-Star Five-Star is offline
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Default Re: PS3 or Wii

PS3 PS3 PS3 PS3. The biggest drawback would be if what people are saying about Sony removing the backwards compatibility is true. If you have a PS2 already then you are set. I haven't followed any of it at all and already have my PS3 and love it. I don't think it makes any sense for them to take it out or it would save the money everyone thinks it would save them. The next Silent Hill game is already in production for the PS3. I can't wait.

The graphics are fantastic on the PS3, even launch games are fantastic. I haven't used the Sixaxis to it's full potential in the games, only when it requires me to do so. I've played a Wii before and really disliked it, maybe it was the game selection I played. Either way I highly recommend getting the PS3. In addition now you have a Blu Ray player and didn't have to pay as much as they are listed in the stores and it plays some fantastic games.
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