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Old 10-18-2007, 12:24 PM
Scansion Scansion is offline
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Default ALIENWARE m9750: help me customize!

Hey guys, after getting quite a few recommendations based on my needs, I've decided to purchase an alienware m9750 notebook. Here's a little background on what I'm going to be using it for:

Poker is the main thing. I need a computer that will be able to run 6 or 7 poker sites at a time as well as internet browsers as well as PokerTracker, music, and other crap. I understand Alienware computers are generally gaming computers, but the speed of these computers is very attractive, and it's something I'm willing to pay for.

Here's the link to the customization page:

I'm willing to put in a lot of money to my computer. If needed I don't mind spending quite a bit on this computer. I would get a desktop, but I'm going to use this as a desktop replacement because I will be traveling quite a bit and need to have access to my computer.

One of my main questions is about SSD's (solid state drives). I'd like opinions from people who have used them, are they really worth the extra money? It's imperative that my poker results are saved on my computer, and one of the benefits from what I've read is that Solid Sate Drives are much more durable and harder to damage because they don't have any moving parts.

Again, I'm willing to pay top dollar for a computer that is very very fast, but I obviously don't want to waste money on things I absolutely don't need (for example, do I really need dual video cards for what I will be doing?)

As a final note I would like to add that I enjoy high quality music, I no longer use the low quality 128bit iTunes music. So please keep this in mind as well, if it makes a difference.
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