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Old 10-18-2007, 11:35 AM
ThaSaltCracka ThaSaltCracka is offline
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Default Re: Halo 3: Always matched against people much better

Ranked matchups, especially at levels 10-25 seem very balanced. The lower level matches are filled with low ranked people, who either suck or are hella good at other games. You do need to pay attention in the lobby and look at your opponents highest rank and exp.

Social matches are anyones guess, as they grab anyone.

A good way to gauge someone's skill, especially if they are an officer, is to look at highest rank. I have seen plenty of LT'S with highest levels in the 11-15 range. Not very good.

My highest rank is 23, and I am a LT 2nd grade. I need a bit more exp than I am a Captain.

That being said, anyone who is higher than a captain, is probably pretty damn good.
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