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Old 10-18-2007, 01:21 AM
TrvChBoy TrvChBoy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Salt Lake City
Posts: 78
Default Re: legality of this type of home game? No rake, but a monthly fee?

Illegal in most states!


If I were to run a commercial poker game, this is how I would do it. If the game were low-stakes, it would be a hard thing for an overworked prosecuter to take to a grand jury.

I would call it a country club and have a few country-club-like actvities (golf tourneys, pot-luck suppers, duck hunts, canned food collections, blood drives, and full-bore drinking parties with a live band) from time to time to add "reasonable doubt" if it ever came to a jury trial.

On the other hand, if you live in small-town USA, this would be a major bust for the Barney Fifes of the world.
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