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Old 10-18-2007, 12:45 AM
onesandzeros onesandzeros is offline
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Default Is All Organized Religion Santanic?

This thread title assumes a "belief" in a supreme God based on a "divine book".

If this could be taken to a "judge or court" hypothetically speaking I think "All Organized Religion and government would be proven to be Satanic".

To believe in "Satan Or God" then you must accept some form of "bible" (or divine book; including the satanic bible) as true. Same goes for "Gods". If you believe a certain book, then you accept as truth that God. There are Jehovah, Muhammad, Allah, Buddha, Satan etc. All claiming to be the TRUE God, "Satan" being the one rebel who is the opposite of "love". I will assume you have at least moderate knowledge of various religions and the various "divine books" including the Christian Bible.

Even a rudimentary understanding of the Christian bible would suggest that both Jesus and Jehovah agree with this, as well as other "religions, Gods and divine texts". Of course if this is true, it would also be so not only of religion but anything that attempts to separate and divide men from unconditional love, including any form of a "ruling elite" as seen in any man run organization.

Would not any contradiction to this unconditional LOVE be of "Satan"? God IS nothing more the the frequency and vibration (invisible) of pure unconditional love. This perfect math runs through everything that is. Including the negative "dark side". It's a circumference-less circle of all possibility. You can't have one without the choice and experiences of both. of course both positive and negatives are the "math" behind the illusion.

This being said, 99% of all "people", no matter the god or religion, color or government have been programed to NOT see this. "The wolves in sheep's clothing" keeps it so. Through this fear you are controlled. There is no fear in unconditional love. Only through "fear" can love be controlled. We are born pure love. We are sons and daughter of "God".

Any religion by definition separates and divides in a negative way. (I'm saved and your not logic, "fear") This is a constant "sin" throughout the bible as this is not unconditional LOVE. If something is not LOVE then it's just a negative illusion. "This world" which I think Jesus and Jehovah and other "divine books and Gods" both proclaim to be ruled by "Satan" or master negative entity...

Mass Consciousness I think is beginning to to realize that something is changing. Something big. People are realizing that most of "what we've been told" is a lie. The ancients knew it. Some kind of a program change is forthcoming.

With what "science" is learning about DNA, this is not only possible but plausible and mathematically logical. All that would have to occur for the pictures of "reality" to completely change "throughout the earth" is simply a mathematical equation.

Our DNA is proving to be "the antenna" to our 3d holographic reality experience. We are receiving frequencies and vibrations through through DNA and it is translated from invisible math into physical math that we can see, feel, hear, taste and smell.

I believe it all boils down to choosing Hate or Love. Hate creeps in as it has to. It is a matter of balancing both and remembering that Love is the answer to this enigma we call life.
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