Thread: Stud 8 position
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Old 10-18-2007, 12:14 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default Re: Stud 8 position

Partially depends what kind of fish and who the other players are.

In hilo games I really think that either side or across from a horrible loose passive player are okay spots with reasonable upsides because unlike games that are just high or low in hilo games you like multiway action with a lot of your hands. If the game is HBTSR I would automatically say that I'd rather be on his left. I don't know if this is for sure the case in Badugi but since I am not experienced in that game I prefer pots to be HU with me against a weaker player that I can identify the leaks in. In EO I know that I do not like sitting on the right of players who frequently raise/reraise because I am more comfortable on later streets when the pot is not huge.

Against loose passive fish it can be nice to attempt to isolate him with high oriented hands when you're on his left, but if you are on his right or across from him you can limp in spots where you might normally raise in the hopes that he will come in frequently. Keeping the pot small on the early rounds in the hopes of letting him in more often to make terrible decisions on the later rounds. That's not to say that building a pot early is horrible, they are obviously still throwing money away building huge pots with 993/TJ7/268r but if they are allowed to make the pot enormous on 3rd/4th then their big bet street mistakes may not even be mistakes and I prefer for their mistakes to just pile on top of each other in the form of terrible small pot play.

Even ante size is a consideration. In a crappy 10/20 Stars type structure I think anywhere is fine because ante stealing is not as vital. In a 30/60 online or 1/4-1/6 small bet ante live structure being on his right won't be so hot because you will have to forfeit a lot of good steal situations.

I'll go with the old faithful "it depends". I can say that many times in an online Holdem game with 1 awful player and 4 somewhat sane ones I have decided to not even play because I didn't want to be on the psycho's right but I've been happy to sit in any good Stud 8 game no matter where I am in relation to the fish.
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