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Old 10-18-2007, 12:01 AM
highhustla highhustla is offline
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Default Re: Cheating at AP, updated cliff notes

Guys, please refrain from witch hunts for now. It is pretty scary and could get us into trouble. We have absolute by the balls and we should just keep up the pressure on spreading the news of what we 100% KNOW is cheating.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously, all this Myspace stuff and chat that doesn't even really implicate anything is making it look like you guys are really grasping at straws to try to lynch Seif. There's very little reason (other than the open-folding 522 HU thing from whenever which may not even be true) why he should even be suspected of wrongdoing in this.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is absolute BS imo. HE POSTED THE STONEWALLING IN HIS BLOG , and his chat in the tourney is incredibly defensive. There is every [censored] reason in the world to suspect him.


We SUSPECT Seif. This distinction is as clear as it's ever been, so there's no reason to stop investigating now.

You can debate what place (if any) Seif should have in the new Cliffsnotes, and maybe none is the correct answer. BUT STOP TELLING US TO STOP DISCUSSING IT. HE LOOKS [censored] GUILTY AS [censored].