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Old 10-17-2007, 10:39 PM
PokerNewbie871 PokerNewbie871 is offline
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Default Re: Cheating at AP, updated cliff notes

If you want to know who owns the Account "Potripper" or any other all you need to do is find out what email addresses are Registered to the "suspicious" Accounts.....Yahoo emails and accounts are very easy to crack and "Hotmail" email accounts have a "bufferoverfluff exploit that is very vunerable and can be used to obtain access to any hotmail account...Trust me i know......If you get the Emails Addresses of the Accounts you suspect....You can check their emails for "header info" which will show who's "ip" has been using these email accounts......Then you know who the culpret is....As for get the name and address of the "ip" you are trying to lookup, there is only 2 ways you can get the "name & registered user address" of a ip or ip block, depending on whether they are using DSL,Cable,or any highspeed vcarrier that provides "ip's" that aren't "static" this means just about everyone except "cable" suscribers have a static "ip" when using high speed service....cable is the only provider that doesn't " give the user " a ip pool that changes everytime they restart their modem.....This is called a "dynamic ip" and just about every user that uses high speed providers has a dynamic connection except cable providers... their "ip" are dynamic but only change when the "cable server" reboots it's network....usually every 30 to 60 days....So find these peoples registered "email addresses" for their "AP" accounts and you can track them to their "ISP" getting their real name and info requires contact with the "isp provider" or a court order...But...their is away around this....Anyone3 that know how to "reverse engineer " a isp network server can retrieve and access the data works of all "isp user accounts" most times no password is will ask you to most substances, most "ISP" don't use a password and their network servers will allow access under any "regular user account" this is a breach and criminal but this is how most huge network hackers retrieve user ip info.......and data with huge ip pools to spam and steal large email address "formats" this is why you get junk mail from hackers and wonder how they got your email address.....they can't get personal info on any "isp" user ip without a "court warrant" but like i said...their are hundred if not thousands of hackers that can reverse engineer any "isp" network and find details on any ip block........I suggest you get the registered emails to each of these "poker accounts" and this will show you the way to who is behind and responsible for the cheating and superuser accounts....Pe@ce