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Old 10-17-2007, 08:30 PM
TheCroShow TheCroShow is offline
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Default Re: Heroes Bitching Thread, 10/15/2007

I have an idea for all you haters, STOP WATCHING!

that's what I did with Lost partway through season 2. it was EASY

if you don't like it, don't watch, it's EASY

[/ QUOTE ]

Good for you. You stopped watching LOST and by the last 8 episodes of last year it was easily the best show on television.

I can agree that if you never liked Heroes and are the type of person who never will, then there is no reason to watch. But the rest of us liked it and can see the awesome potential it has. Don't get offended when we hold it up to high standards. If we didn't care so much we wouldn't be complaining.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought Lost was awesome and had potential. When it failed to deliver, that's when I stopped watching. From time to time I browsed through Lost threads and saw more of what I see here in the Heroes threads.

This show sux, they should do this. Why was there no Hiro and Peter OMG they weren't in there for 1 episode, they must be writing them out!!

Last year I was certainly more excited for new episodes. This season i'm like "oh yeah heroes is on tonight." I don't feel as excited, but I'm still enjoying it.

With that, here's my good/bad list for this season:


Clare, HRG, HRG+Haitain (sp?), Peter, Sylar, new girl with ability to learn abilities by watching, little time spent on nikki/micah, more light shed on the company


the kid that flies "you may heal, but I never wanna see you get hurt" (worst line in the show so far), hiro, matt+suresh gay couple, brother+sister combo, vision girl...

that's all i can think of. overall i'm enjoying the season so far.

i can't wait to read future bitching threads, i look forward to seeing one each week all the way through the end =D
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