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Old 10-17-2007, 06:38 PM
deadfromsuckouts deadfromsuckouts is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
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Default Brag: I won heads up with J 10 offsuit

I am going to be quick and honest on this one. I have been playing my buddy, heads up for a while, I was somewhat bothered when he splilled his wine on my A 7 offsuit. So we changed decks, well somebody in marketing at Full-Tilt sent me a Full-Tilt deck in the mail. Well, I have arrived now I got a deck in the mail!!!!!! Thanks guys and girls that deck is sweet. Anyways, me and my buddy go all in at times, but I said, I am considering calling your all in but you gotta show me your highest card, he showed J, me holding 9-7 off, a hand that I would not even call in limit 10 handed in the small blind, I folded. He showed me J-J. Now, a few hands later he made a tiny raise before the flop, me holding J-10 offsuit, I said I will show you my highest card, and showed the Jack, he quickly called with A-7, I promptly busted him, Is that sweet justice or what?
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