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Old 10-17-2007, 06:25 PM
Abramovic Abramovic is offline
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Default Re: Cheating at AP, updated cliff notes

The problem lies in the fact that AP are no longer responsible and cannot be trusted. They have denied a superuser account existing. Several points will remain unclear forever barring a thorough 3rd party investigation.

-how many other 363 type accounts are there?
-how many games/users did 363 observe? 2+2 has uncovered 4 accounts that were aided by 363, there could be many more.
-how long have these accounts been in use (presumably from the beginning)
-who had access to these accounts?
-why did it take so long for these accounts to be recognised?

The reality is that these accounts may have been used quite widely by very senior employees at AP (and who is to say they arent at other sites), and the $1k tournament was just the first flagrant and careless use of the account in all its operation.

The scope is ridiculous here, and like so many scandals it will probably never make it out into the public eye.