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Old 10-17-2007, 05:29 PM
RustyBrooks RustyBrooks is offline
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Default Re: Linecheck on these Razz hands

Hand 1: No one is going to fold a made 87 to your board, so when he calls 5th I think I'm done betting unless I improve or I have a very good reason to believe he called 5th with no 87. Really, though, he is never going to raise you here either, and he'll probably bet if you check. So until the river it's probably about the same except he might fold 5th if he's paired. Betting the river is bad, I think I'd check-fold for sure. On 6th I might check-call, you have 11 live outs (3, 4, 5). On the plus side he probably won't bet the river unless he improves to a 76.

Hand 2: Your outs are pretty dead. I don't like 5th but if he's very bad, I'd consider it. 6th is really pretty bad... you're drawing to *just barely* beat his current hand, and much of the time he'll outdraw you. On 5th and 6th your relative position to him stays the same, however, you have fewer cards to come (just one) so your outlook is much worse. I'd want to improve on 6th to continue.

Hand 3: Many many people will not fold if they can improve to beat your current hand on the next street. Particularly if they're willing to limp J up there and then call a completion. I don't bluff these people. And 5th was a bluff - quite likely he has a better 3 card hand than you do.

Hand 4: This is kind of standard. I wish I could fold the river but usually I can't.
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