Thread: Morale Dilema
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Old 10-17-2007, 04:59 PM
scorcher863 scorcher863 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 91
Default Re: Morale Dilema

classes or community service are not gonna help this guy if he's an alcoholic. Alcoholism is a genetic thing. It takes extreme consequences for them to change. ie. hitting rock bottom. Help a brotha out and your only keeping him from his consequences and encouraging the same behavior in the future.
Think about it, this guy went out drunk driving knowing he could jeopardize his kids lives (let alone his own life or someone he could of hit and killed). Do you see the insanity of his actions.
I would venture to say that most ppl who vote to help him out have never come in to contact with a multi dui offender before. They only see his actions as harmless fun(rightfully so as they don't understand the sickness), when it is much much deeper than that.
I wish the best of luck to your friend. Most of theses ppl end up dead or in jail.
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