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Old 10-17-2007, 10:38 AM
Azizal Azizal is offline
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Default Re: Heroes Bitching Thread, 10/15/2007


ok i can understand this i guess if your basically saying

episode 1 was a stinking godawful pile of [censored]
episode 2 was a nasty smelling godawful pile of [censored]

this episode was a piece of [censored].

and yes I truly believe that this is one of the most overhyped and overrated shows of all time.

[/ QUOTE ]


Yes, that's what most of us were saying. It was the best because the they were all kinda bad, not because it was great. Best = best. Best != good. I don't see why that was so hard to grasp in the first place.

As to your comment about overrated, overhyped shows, you are wearing blinders if you believe that. There are soooo many bad shows that get more hype than this one. Heroes hype hasn't been around that long, and just because it kinda stinks right now doesn't mean it always will. For the most part, AFAIK, they have the same writers. Those writers did a great job last year. Tim Kring wrote a few episodes, and those sucked (the finale, for example).

The poster who used Lost as an example is dead on. That show tanked big time but then recovered to become good again. Here's to hoping it recovers in similar fashion.
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