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Old 10-16-2007, 03:37 PM
MyTurn2Raise MyTurn2Raise is offline
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Default Re: OFFICIAL NCAAF Rank\'em thread: October 14, 2007

you're right NozeCandy

Lloyd Carr is really good at taking superb talent and just managing the wins v lesser teams.

He is very poor at playing other teams of his talent level and out-scheming/out-adjusting/out-anything them

I'll give him credit for not having the super embarrassing loss until this year (although the Illinois one in '99 and Minnesota in '05 must sting)

The one case that highlights the difference between him and a tressel quality is last year's tOSU-Mich game. All season, Ohio State had been a very balanced attack with running backs, tight ends, and 2-3 wideouts. Right off the bat, Ohio State came out with 4 wideouts and looked more like a June Jones offense than the Ohio State one had seen all year. It was unreal. Tressel saw the weak point of Michigan (a 4-game losing streak weak point) and completely added a new offensive package to destroy it over and over.

For Lloyd, there is nothing innovative ever. He can do well using superior talent. He can do well battling JoePa, who also fails to evolve. Carr cannot do well adopting to the evolving game verse equal talent. His "stud" defense has been rendered hapless verse Texas and Vince Young in the Rose Bowl, Bill Callahan's west coast offense, Ohio State's 4 wideout attack last season, USC copying Ohio State's wideouts, and App St and Oregon's shotgun spread attack. Hell, a few years ago, they were punched in the mouth when Iowa brought the zone rushing attack to the Big11Ten.

It's been the HUGE talent gap between Michigan and most of the Big11Ten that has vaulted Lloyd's record. Yes, recruiting is a big part of coaching and Carr gets credit. However, one wonders if a deaf, blind monkey could recruit top15 classes at Michigan. It appears Lloyd the Neanderthal can. (Yes, that is the nickname my friends and I use for Lloyd.) He is thawed out from a different era.
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