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Old 10-16-2007, 01:48 PM
Inso0 Inso0 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 279
Default Re: Wisconsin Poker Law?

Why would you want to move to this tax hell we call Wisconsin? =/

Unless you're an illegal immigrant... then I could understand the desire. A free ride on the taxpayers backs can be a pretty strong draw.

But seriously... don't move to Wisconsin unless you have already amassed your fortune and don't plan on having any income.

We're talking about the state with legislators who think it's a fantastic idea to add a 15% payroll tax to dismantle the current healthcare system in lieu of having it run by the government instead. This is on top of our already insane tax burden. 15%, people!

Until we can find a way to recall or assassinate(not to condone that!) our governor, Diamond Jim Doyle and the democrats in our state legislature... stay away!

Today, our state budget is like 3+ months overdue because the dems want to increase spending by $2 billion dollars and the republicans are trying to hold the line on taxes. Just yesterday, our asshat governor demanded that there be an emergency session to vote on his "compromise" budget. Their idea of a compromise is $1.5B instead of $2B in new spending. It was rejected, thank God.

Sorry for the rant. I actually came here looking for the same information you were, but when I saw that you weren't already suffering as a Wisconsinite, I thought I'd try to save you from your own demise.

The sad part is that the only reason the democrats keep getting elected into statewide office is because the ones already there refuse to pass voter fraud legislation.

EVERY single election, conservative groups scour the registration logs and pull out a few thousand dead people that managed to reanimate long enough to make the trip to a few (yes, a few) polling locations. Every election, there are stories about BUSSES of people going from polling station to polling station... double, triple, quadruple voting. The hobos are given cigarettes to vote democrat.

This state is a mess... stay away.

Sorry again for the off topic rant, but someone has to warn the unsuspecting!
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