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Old 10-16-2007, 09:54 AM
Wolfram Wolfram is offline
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Default Re: Review my at home workout.

I'm pretty much a newb but I've been reading this forum and the FAQ extensively for the last month and here are my thoughts:


In order to build muscle, you need to break your workouts up a little more according to bodypart/muscle. You are overtraining by hitting the same muscle groups every other day.

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This used to be accepted as truth but it seems that it has been "disproved" or at least fallen out of favor. Almost all the popular strength programs recommended today use full body workouts multiple days a week. Starting Strength has you doing squats every training day (3 times a week).

you'll only have access to lighter wieghts I would do in the area of 12 reps over 3+ sets.

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Don't do this. High reps increase muscle endurance but they don't increase muscle strength, mass or power (power = strength + speed). Get heavier weights or join a gym if you want to get stronger.

I'd recommend that you read the Starting Strength FAQ and then reconsider your workout.

And remember that the key to building muscle is diet. No amount of pumping iron will build muscle if you don't get the proper amount of macronutrients and aren't eating at a caloric excess.
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