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Old 10-16-2007, 06:20 AM
DCJ311 DCJ311 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Las Vegas, NV
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Default Re: How many people would you give up your net worth for?

totally relative to the value of the person. society leads us to believe people are more valuable than they really are. all men are created equal, but we do not all die equal.

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I'd weigh the benefits of saving X person vs. the benefits of letting them go, and choose accordingly.
Talented friend might be saved, while old relative who happens to include me in his will might not. Make it EV+.

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you are both soulless bastards. i'd say saving the life of someone you care about is always +ev

edit: imo

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Then why don't you donate all your money to starving families in East St. Louis, or Ethiopia, etc ? Surely no one there dies due to a lack of income.

Edit: misread the part where you wrote "people you care about." This changes things obviously since those people have an inherent higher value [to me].
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