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Old 10-16-2007, 02:28 AM
gregorio gregorio is offline
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Default Re: Ways to improve using the coaching videos

For a long time, I only had access to a handful of stox videos. After I watched them and had no new ones to watch, I would go back and look for specific things that I was working on in my own game. In each video, stox emphasizes certain things in specific hands, but when I would go back to watch, I would focus on the things I was most concerned about, that might not have been given full attention by stox as he is playing 4 tables and narrating.

For example, I would go through some videos focusing on 3-betting--when stox would do it, when he would call a 3-bet etc. Or I would look for hands with suited connectors and how to play various draws on the flop. Or focus on hands in which stox has an overpair and is raised on a draw-heavy board. These things may only come up a few times in a video, so I would scan a bunch of videos looking for them. Often stoc would comment on the hands, but sometimes I would find interesting things happening on one table, when he was focussing his attention/narration on another.

It is interesting to see an entire session unfold, but it would be great to have videos that are collections of playing SCs OOP, combo draws, getting value out of a set, etc. But since nobody is going to put the time into editiing together a video of highlights, I just scan through a bunch of videos looking for whatever leak I am trying to fix at the moment.
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