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Old 10-16-2007, 01:40 AM
vers vers is offline
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Default multitablehelper for stars (beta)

I looked on MTH's site and they have just released a beta version for stars. You need to buy it first, which I have yet to do. I was wondering if anyone has tried this out yet and would recommend that I should get it. I played on stars (sngs) for the first time in a while today and was very annoyed about how the sng tables keep loading in the same spot at huge windows. I am playing on 2 monitors and want all tables to be smaller sizes so that I can comfortably 12 table.

I also read that the sng opener project has been scrapped. Does any know if MTH works in conjunction with Handsome's stars script (which buys you into sngs)?

Thanks a lot in advance.
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