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Old 10-15-2007, 11:51 PM
mce86 mce86 is offline
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Default Expected Income from Poker

Let's say you are an established winning poker player. Your winrate per month ranges from 2.9 PTBB/100 up to 7.2 PTBB/100
If you plan to play 30,000 hands per month, you should expect to earn on average the following amounts per month/per level.

Online Pro Expected Monthly Income(30,000 Hands):
NL200: 3480-9480 ($41,000 to $113,760 annually)
NL400:7000-17000 ($84,000 to $204,000 annually)
NL600: 10440-26244 ($125,280 to $314,928 annually)
NL1000:17400-43,200 ($208,800 to $518,400 annually)

Do you guys fine these numbers to be realistic, and is anybody maintaining these over the long term? These numbers seem ridiculously high to me!
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