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Old 10-15-2007, 09:56 PM
VayaConDios VayaConDios is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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Default Re: Yet another Gore smear

You do realize that it's still really sleazy for Gore to take money from them, right?

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First of all, I have no idea whether and to what extent Gore has taken money from tobacco companies. I'm guessing that big tobacco is like most other industries and spreads around money to candidates on both sides of the aisle. I'm also guessing that Gore, like the other candidates, is not in the habit of sending back sizable checks that he receives. While I disagree with many of the things that tobacco companies have done in the past, I hardly find it somehow inherently sleazy for him to accept campaign contributions from them.

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Step 1) Go out and bash the entire tobacco industry, describing just how hard it was to watch their product KILL YOUR SISTER OF CANCER.

Step 2) Gain political support from sob story.

Step 3) Continue accepting contributions from an industry that killed your sister, that you will work against "until you draw your last breath".

Step 4) ???????

Step 5) Profit and hope all that sob-story BS gets you elected President.

Seriously, VCD, I hope to whatever form of God you do or don't believe in that you aren't so dense to see the inherent hypocrisy in this whole thing, if he has been taking money from big tobacco.

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At no point does he bash "the entire industry." At no point does he state that he is against adults smoking if they choose to do so. At no point does he promise not to take tobacco money. Every single point he makes is against teenage smoking.

How is stance at all different than that of any other mainstream politician, almost all of whom would say that smoking is a bad idea, but that adults should be free to do so. Most would even say that advertising to teens is a bad thing (except for those who really are in the pocket of big tobacco). Yet for some reason Gore is the only one who is singled out and called hypocrite. Wonder why?
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