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Old 10-15-2007, 08:31 PM
MissT74 MissT74 is offline
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Default Re: EDF Halloween/Paranormal thread

I always hate trying to explain dreams, but I'll go for this one. It was a more clearer dream then most are and I still remember it to this day even though it happened 17 years ago.

I was working at Baskin Robbins at the time as a cake decorator. To clean the tips of the icing tubes we used little pipe cleaners as seen in this pic, the bottom utensil.

I get home from work one night and had a dream that a killer was at the BR store, trying to get to me and I was hiding behind the cake freezer (about 7 ft high) and then I reached into my drawer which holds my tip cleaners to grab a knife, which is also kept in that drawer. I grabbed the knife and just as the murderer was upon me, I woke up.

I was sharing a room with my sister and after I woke up I felt something under my back, I got up and saw that it was one of the tip cleaners. I FREAKED out, woke up my sister, explained what was going on and THEN she said, "OMG, right when you woke me up I was having a dream of a knife cutting through the air" (Kind of Jason style, with the whole "eeeeek....eeeeeekk....eeeek" if you know what I mean)

Needless to say we didn't go back to sleep for awhile.

Never found out how that tip cleaner got into my bed, as even if I did happen to bring it home with me, stuck on my clothes or something, I changed in the BATHROOM, not in my bedroom. Still freaks me out to think about it.

Hence, the only logical conclusion that I could come up with is that I brought it into my bed from out of the dream.

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