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Old 10-15-2007, 05:57 PM
Palomino Palomino is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 449
Default Re: X-Post from NVG

"I for one am done playing online poker. Bring on the B&M."

I view this risk as the same thing as running into a "card mechanic" dealer in a B&M...In fact I would worry more about a "live" dealer "stacking the deck" then I would an Internet site security...

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IMO that's a crazy comparison. Maybe I don't know enough about "mechanics" and their "art", but I think the risk of running into collusion, hacking or any other form of cheating at on online poker site is much higher than the risk of running into a crooked dealer at a reputable B&M casino. Moreover, having the ability to see other people's hole cards is a much more devastating advantage to have over your opponents than to be working with a crooked dealer who can deal you the nuts every now and then.

Anyone who tries to minimize this hole card scandal is either (a) foolish, (b) a winning player worried that the "online is rigged" cry will dry up their action or (c) a freaking cheater.

The bottom line is that IMO it has been proven without a doubt that certain players on Absolute could see other player's hole cards. That is astounding, isn't it?!?!? That is f*cked up, isn't it?!?!? I can understand how a winning player might react to this information with a bit of skepticism and a kind of "ok, that's great, let's just fix the problem quietly" kind of attitude, but come on. This is bad bad bad for online poker.

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I agree, this is "bad bad" for online poker. So, please, everyone stop ***** talking about it! It happened, and I'm sure it happens elsewhere, AP is just the only place where someone has been stupid enough to get caught. We all know the risks of playing online, but we accept those risks as soon as we deposit money on to the account. I am trying to minimize this whole thing because yes, I am a winning player and I DON'T want online poker to go away. The more people bitch about this whole thing the more likely it is that all of online poker will go down for it. So please, if you are unhappy with AP, don't F****ING play there. But I am very happy playing there, so please don't ruin it for me and others like me.
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