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Old 10-15-2007, 05:33 PM
tekmo7 tekmo7 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 35
Default shared bankroll - need to divorce!!

i started a bankroll with a buddy of mine about 6 months ago. each of us put in $500. we individually had a history of going broke from playing too big or going on tilt, so we decided it would be better for us if we used a shared bankroll to help us both from venturing into high limits and blowing our bankroll (under the assumption that we would not want to hurt a bankroll that someone else also has a stake in)...

it worked great and i actually have learned to excercise great bankroll management. i believe he has done the same based on the records that he has kept. he scored a nice tourney win one month in ($2200+) and has picked up the bankroll when i went through some downswings, but recently he hasn't been that focused. he rarely plays anymore and when he does, he loses little amounts that have added up to over $2K. on the other hand, i have been playing well and accounted for 85% of the playing time and profits over the past two's getting frustrating that i play for long hours and play well, yet i only reap 50% of the benefits. he reassures me that he will be playing more after school is over but i am just not that confident with his dedication and skill anymore...i have a full-time job and other priorities as well but i still find time to help the "business" fact, he spends more time on halo 3 than anything else!

how do i end this partnership without hurting his feelings? or am i just being greedy? was this a big mistake to begin with? i dont know...sighhhhhh
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