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Old 10-15-2007, 05:31 PM
flybe1 flybe1 is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 22
Default Improving at Low Stakes STTs: Top three things to remember?

What are the top three things to remember when you sit down at a STT if you really want to improve your results?

I once read that under pressure most people can only remember three things (maybe that's why it's Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!).

So come on all you experts. How can minnows like me improve from only just profitable to making some real money?

My experience:
>Played STTs for about one year.

>Only previous Poker experience some limit ring games.

>Played 1200 STTs (mostly NLHE full table regulars 5+0.5 and 10+1 at various sites).

>Up $1160, including bonuses and rakeback. (ROI 11.8%)

>Tried some multi-tabling (up to three- tritabling?)

>Read several books incl. Lee Jones (useful), HOH 1 & 2 (very useful) and Moshman book (not as useful as I had hoped).

>Prefer to raise or fold rather than call. Rarely cold call, check-raise or bluff (except blind-steals and continuation bets). Play very tight early on then open up if short or on the bubble. Push light on bubble in late position but call all-ins only with good hands.

>Have been reading this forum for several months but have rarely posted. Have studied ICM a little.

>Am I answering my own question?
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