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Old 10-15-2007, 04:32 PM
e_phemeral e_phemeral is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 306
Default Re: X-Post from NVG

This has been asked before but not really responded too:

If this guy was able to get a "superuser" account, he was only busted due to playing it like an idiot. So it is perfectly reasonable to assume that other other major sites have been hacked as well, and the super user accounts are just not caught because they play more reasonable, and quietly make $1,000's. Do we just accept that this is the reality of playing online poker?

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course it is possible that this is happening every day on every poker website. Anyone who claims this is an isolated incident is full of sh*t. This is just the only time that someone has used their edge in such a retarded and blatant manner, and in big money cash games and tournies, as to alert smart intelligent players in the online poker community to the fact that something fishy was going on. Smart players with this ability would just lie low under the radar quietly raking in tons of money but never being so blatant about it as to raise suscpicion.

I for one am done playing online poker. Bring on the B&M.
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