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Old 10-15-2007, 11:37 AM
Skallagrim Skallagrim is offline
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Default Re: Legality and Withdrawl

D$D wrote "If you read the underlying statute and recent IRS actions, it is clear at least the IRS considers money even in a poker site account as a financial account."

Do you have any support for this D$D or is this just your prediction of what the IRS will do? I couldn't find anything specific, and I would find it hard to fill out the form. I have no idea what bank FTP keeps my money in, if its a bank at all, much less what country its in. So one should report "11k held by **Poker, country unknown, financial institution unknown, account listed under unknown name and number and accessed through a screen name and password unrelated to financial institution." Thankfully (for this issue) my bankroll has never even come close to 10K.

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