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Old 10-15-2007, 07:10 AM
Shizzle12345 Shizzle12345 is offline
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Default Re: star nl 100, I\'m sick of this MidnightTokr guy, how do u guys play

I looove playing these guys, allthough it can be frustrating indeed if they run super hot. The thing is, at first they win a ton of pots from other regs cos like nobody adjust to these guys. I cant count the times i snapped off retarded bluffs with bottom pairs and A high vs these guys. Alot of em are pretty bad and very predictable, like they bet half pot if they bluff, or they overbet when they bluff and bet small if its for value etc.

One maniac the other day used to check flop and then bet pot on turn, and it was nearly always a bluff, so i could safely call with a pair of 3's and know im ahead.

Also note that some of those fish 2barrel alot, but that a 3barrel means value alot, cos usually theyr too scared to actaully 3barrel alot with air.