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Old 10-15-2007, 03:57 AM
VeraN VeraN is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 68
Default Question About Chip Mess Situation

Situation: Player A has been playing for a while and decides to leave for a lunch break. During his lunch break a physical fight breaks out from an adjacent table resulting in a person being knocked onto player A's table, causing player A, B, and C's chip stacks to fall in a complete mess. None of the chips fell to the floor - all chips are accounted for and are on the table.

Question 1: What is the standard casino protocol in this situation in terms of returning the chips to the players? Will the hostiles be liable for this event?

Question 2: Players A, B, and C are all honest players and have a general idea about how much they had but not an accurate figure. They all cannot come to an agreement and claim they had more than what was distributed. How does the casino solve this problem?
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