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Old 10-15-2007, 12:19 AM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: Anecdotes on airplanes

I was in Orlando Florida for Christmas and decided to take the Greyhound bus down to Marathon. I had already taken the bus once, and it wasn't that bad. I enjoyed myself, really, as that last bus was empty for the whole route.

This time, I was not so fortunate. Every seat was taken, and I was stuck in the back, where no one sits, because that is where the bathroom is, which wouldn't be a bad thing if they had cleaned it and it had decent plumbing. Every time the bus hit a bump, the water sloshed, emanating a putrid smell.

The guy sitting next to me was once a trucker, and per all prejudices, he ate way too much, and didn't shower consistantly. Of coarse, I wouldn't have learned his entire life story if I didn't have to listen to him talk for two hours non-stop. I was trying to ignore him at first, but the torture of ignoring him and reading a book while listening to my headphones was too much to take.

The guy finally shut up, to sleep, and lean on me. At the time, I weighed about 145 pounds if I was sitting on a camel. I couldn't weigh which would be worse: him talking, or him leaning on me while he slept. For crying out loud, this guy was going to West Palms beach. Why couldn't he stay awake for four hours? If it got him to shut up, it was fine by me. The person sitting in front of us turned around and laughed in understanding.

Eight hours later, I get off the bus in Marathon. It was 10 PM. I stood outside the bus and waited for the driver to retrieve my bicycle. I told him I had a box, and he started acting stupid.

"Where is your ticket."
"Here, sir." I showed him the ticket.
"I don't see it, where is it?"
"Right here."
"Nope, where is it."

This is bad. My bike was worth over $1000. I shove the ticket closer to his face.

"Sir, the ticket is supposed to be stapled to your pamphlet. Now, I don't have to let you take it."

He leaned in closer:"I don't appreciate it you shoving that in my face."

It was never any closer than 6 inches.

"You did hear me right?"


"Right, can you please give me my bike."

"I don't have to let you take it with your attitude. If you go right now, let's go."

I stood in shock. I guess he felt like I was a threat to the woman who got off the bus at the same time as me. Was he stalling me?

I waited. Satisfied that I knew who the Alpha was, he let me have my bike.
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