Thread: Scared of death
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Old 10-15-2007, 12:03 AM
funkymunky funkymunky is offline
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Default Re: Scared of death

Pretty good discussion going on here. I think we all have these sorts of thoughts, and, while our mortality isn't maybe the warmest thought that can cross our minds, we all know it'll happen to all of us one day.

I remember thinking constantly about death since I was around 14-15. For the longest time, I thought in terms of how much time I had left. To be honest, during some quiet times, I still do.

With life experience, I have dealt with death on a few occasions, as we all do. The most disturbing was the suicide of a friend. Nothing hits home like when one of your peer group dies (to clarify, my parents are thankfully both still with us, so I haven't experienced that)

Like you, I think once it's over, it's all over. I don't think I'll be coming back in any way, shape or form. I don't think there is any particular point or meaning to life - I think we're all here to spend our brief moment. To that end, I try to enjoy life for what it is - a whole bunch of relative monotony, interrupted by flashes of excitement, joy, and sadness.

I'm in my thirties. I could swear it was just yesterday I was that frightened 15 year old.

Earlier today, I blew bubbles with my daughter. We watched and listened to the geese as they started their journey south. Then we played in the leaves as we raked.

It was a good day.

Can't wait for tomorrow!
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