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Old 10-14-2007, 10:39 PM
Eagles Eagles is offline
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Default Re: OT: [censored] thread, OCTOBER, READ RULES IN TOP POST

Here are the cliffnotes of the almost getting in a fight story.

edit: These certainly are not cliffnotes its the full story.

We got to alehouse canteen were at the front of the line the bouncer asks us to back up. PTB explains that he's trying to back up but he doesn't want to knock people over. Bouncer says I don't care just back up.
PTB says Sorry everyone I need to push you out of the way the bouncer told me to. I don't want to push girls down but this is what the bouncer told me to do. Bouncer says "you want to be a dick, well I can be a bigger dick you aren't getting in here or any other bars in the hub tonight. I say something like the difference is you'll always be a dick because your a [censored] douchebag. Bouncer is not pleased we leave to go to another bar. A long the way we discuss the hiliarity of the bouncer saying you can't get into any of the bars in the hub as if he's going to take his PTB's picture and get it passed around to all the bars in the next 10 minutes.

Anyways we go to smijies we're at the front of the line bouncer says something about the line being really unorganized so he wants to put up a rope and asks us to backup. I obviously comply he puts the rope in front of us. So PTB is in the line and pudge and I are on the other side. Bouncer tells us to go to the back of the line. I explain we were in line with PTB for all this time than you asked us to back up and put the rope in front of us. Bouncer is basically like F off go to the back.

Well I'm not taking that obv... so I just wait a minute or two and step over the rope to rejoin PTB. Random feminist bitch who from now on will be RFB starts lecturing me about skipping the line. I use the word lecture because she spoke down to me like I was a six year old. Now as she lectures me I explain that we were in line with PTB and she keeps speaking down to me. So I say "listen sweetheart, I've been waiting in line for twice as long as you".
RFB responds I'm not your sweetheart I'm his sweetheart and points to a guy about 6 inches taller than me. At this point I'm obviously worried and begin to back track when the boyfriend tells me to stop. But at this point I see my housemate who while isn't very big has a black belt in kung fu and would obv kick this guys ass. So I explain the story to him and he tells me if a fight starts he has my back but he doesn't really want to fight. So as this is going on RFB is lecturing PTB while he stands there obviously not listening to a word she is saying, I periodically jump in with saying comments like "YAAAAA GIRL POWER" or giving RFB a standing ovation. The boyfriend isn't really pleased... and keeps telling me to stop and threatens to smash my face in the curb... I realized I should prob stop. PTB says something to the girl about how stupid she is pudge asks here if she's gloria steinem or something like that... and than we decided to leave before a fight starts.